Justin T
We would recommend Aqua Home Care to any friend or family member who needs private duty services.
With 24 hour care, two caregivers are booked daily and work 12 hours each. We also offer Live-in Care. No matter what situation occurs, you’ll have a dedicated caregiver in your home to look after you and help with any additional household tasks every day.
The benefit of having 24 hour home care is that a caregiver will be with a client at all times. Having two or three caregivers means that there will always be someone supervising the client – whether it’s the middle of the afternoon or the middle of the night. Some people prefer this option as they believe caregivers are more refreshed and alert since there is at least one caregiver rotation in a 24 hour period. There is also the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll always have someone ready to take care of any situations or needs that may arise at any time throughout the 24-hour period.
Yes, all care providers must pass a Level 2 Background Screening (requires fingerprinting). Aqua Home Care ensures care providers have met all state requirements prior to being registered and referred to clients. Once registered, they must maintain all credentials in order to remain active with the Nurse Registry.
Yes, we work with all Long Term Care Insurance companies. Aqua Home Care assists clients and family members throughout the entire Long Term Care (LTC) claims process. This includes checking policy benefits, submitting care logs, invoices and other required documentation to help expedite reimbursement for services.
Yes, Aqua Home Care is a Florida licensed Nurse Registry and is bonded and insured. Additionally, referred care providers carry individual professional liability policies and must meet all credentialing requirements set forth by the state.
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