Beating the Heat: How Aqua Home Care Can Help

Living in the tropical climate of Florida is considered a dream to those who seek sunshine, blue skies and a grand supply of warm weather year round. Whether youโ€™ve been born and raised in the โ€œSunshine Stateโ€ or have come to call it home later in life, you know just how high the temperatures can rise, especially in the summer months. With thermostats showing results ranging from the mid-eighties to the high-nineties, itโ€™s important to follow guidelines to stay safe during times of excessive heat.

However, this can be difficult for those in need of daily assistance. Certain health conditions, mobility issues and memory loss can interfere with being able to keep oneself comfortable whether inside or outside of the home. When the need to keep your body temperature stable is not met, the risk of potential health hazards increases. Such hazards can include:

  • Dehydration
  • Overheating
  • Excessive sweating
  • Sunburn
  • Heat stroke
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting

In keeping the importance of staying safe during high temperatures in mind, Aqua Home Care refers trusted caregivers to those in need who can ensure that those receiving services avoid these heat related hazards. Caregivers mindfully keep track of weather conditions to make sure you or your loved one is safe while also delivering quality in-home-care.

Some precautions taken to steer clear of injury due to rising temperatures include assistance with:

  • Staying hydrated
  • Dressing appropriately for the weather
  • Putting on sunscreen
  • Staying in shaded areas while outside
  • Keeping the house set at a safe temperature
  • Monitoring for any heat related reactions

Avoiding hazards associated with the heat is made easier when a trusted caregiver is by your side. Though our sunny state of Florida is known for being quite warm, we at Aqua Home Care will match individuals with care professionals who ensure quality care throughout the year. High temperatures are no match for our high standards for finding the best care possible.


Recent Testimonials
Dottie Russell
The Villages

We had a wonderful care giver his name was Bryan. He has great with my partner. He was a very hard worker. Bob in joyed his jokes

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