Getting from place to place around your own home may not be something you think twice about. For some individuals, however, it can be quite a task. When certain medical conditions, aging, injuries or illnesses become a factor in everyday living, the ability to move around the house independently may be compromised. This impacts more than rising from a seated position or sitting down with ease; restrictions on mobility affects daily life as a whole.
When it comes to needing support at home, Aqua Home Care is here to help by finding caregivers who truly care. With in-home care services provided by qualified, compassionate caregivers, individuals benefit by having someone nearby whenever needed. The familiar comfort of home is priceless, and being able to stay where you are most at ease is made more possible when care is brought to your door. When it comes to aiding in mobility, your caregiver can offer assistance with:
- Getting in and out of bed
- Standing and sitting safely
- Preventing falls
- Removing tripping hazards from walkways
- Using the facilities
- Bathing and grooming
- Preparing meals
- Pet/plant care
- Heavy cleaning
- Transportation
- Moving safely through stores and parking lots
- Walking outdoors
- Monitoring level of comfort
- And more
Whether care is required for a short period of time or longer, help is available around the clock. Aqua Home Care takes into account your schedule, needs, abilities, limitations and even personality when selecting a caregiver. Individuals needing support at home gain peace of mind knowing that a trusted professional is always near. If your or your loved one is seeking in-home care services, please donโt hesitate to contact our office. Our team at Aqua Home Care awaits your call with listening ears and caring hearts.