When envisioning in-home care, thoughts are usually centered on the care that is provided within one’s own home. While the goal of in-home care certainly is to help individuals stay in their homes for as long as possible while having their daily needs met, this particular type of support isn’t always confined within four walls. Traveling around town, running errands and going to appointments are part of everyday life. Since driving independently isn’t an option for everyone, those seeking in-home care services can benefit from opting for transportation to be part of their care plan.
Our Aqua Home Care team is available 24/7 to assist those in search of daily living care. We understand that driving isn’t always an option, and that public transportation isn’t always available where and when needed. Factoring in the need for daily living support, traveling beyond the front door can be very involved. In our company, we refer trusted caregivers from our registry who are able to meet every in-home care need, including transportation. We specialize in matching clients with compassionate caregivers who have the experience, training and availability necessary to effectively provide quality support. Whether the mode of transportation be the caregiver’s personal vehicle or that of the client, ensuring safety and well-being are always a top priority. This attentiveness encompasses:
- Reliable transportation to doctor’s offices, grocery stores or other appointments
- Assistance getting in and out of the vehicle
- Arranging for transportation when necessary
- Guidance through crowded areas
- Mobility support
- Supervision
- Companionship
- And more
Having transportation as a service option can make all the difference for in-home care recipients. Even when not indoors, continuous aid and attention is provided to ensure needs are being met along with safety and wellbeing. We at Aqua Home Care are here to help those seeking in-home care services find everything they need in a trusted caregiver. Our reputable resources allow us to refer from our registry of qualified, compassionate caregivers who are able to accommodate each in-home care client. Whether at home, on the road, or out and about, our Aqua Home Care team is here to help you find care that takes you where you need to go.